пятница, 10 февраля 2017 г.

“Health Service” 7 клас

                 Урок з англійської мови в 7 класі за
підручником    О. Карп`юк.

Тема уроку “Health Service”

                                    Мета уроку     

-         Активізація навичок самостійного рішення комунікативного спілкування на англійській мові.
-         Розвиток пізнавальних інтересів учнів через нестандартні форми подачі матеріалу.
-         Розвиток умінь встановлення причинно-наслідкових зв`язків і здатності вираження своїх думок у монологічному та діалогічному мовленні.
-         Розуміння важливості медичних проблем, виховування   прихильності до здорового способу життя, правильного відношення до процесу лікування та поваги до лікаря.
·       мультимедійний проектор, ноутбук, екран, дитячі творчі роботи.

                              Хід уроку
I.                Привітання.
Good morning everybody.
I`m sure you are ready to work hard and enthusiastically. Be calm and confident on your way to knowledge.
 II. Повідомлення теми уроку.
      The topic of our lesson isHealth Service”. What shall we do?
        We’ll give pieces of advice:
        What to do to recover soon, speak about parts of the body and inner organs, listen and speak on the topic to make a conclusion that health is a great thing.
Pay attention to the proverb “Health is above wealth”.
III. Визначення цілей для учнів.
         Your task at the lesson are:
-to listen attentively and try to understand everything,
-to speak English as much as possible,
-not to be afraid to make mistakes,
-to express your opinion,
-to show your knowledge of the vocabylary on our topic.

IV. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Лексична робота.
Let’s start with the vocabylary.
1. Give it a name.
-The upper, front part of the body;
-One of the two organs of breathing in the chest of a man and animals;
-To force air from the lungs with a sudden, sharp sound;
-A movable organ in the mouth;
-It is in the front of the neck.

(a chest, a lung, to cough, a tongue, a throat)

2. Profession of a doctor is closely connected with different illnesses. I’d like you to join the name of the illness with a profession of  the doctor, who treats it.
quinsy                               dentist
caries                               orthopaedist
short  eyesight                 dermatologist
fracture                           cardiologist
arrhythmia                      surgeon
appendicitis                    oculist
skin diseases                   therapist
bronchitis                       ENT doctor

        3. Answer the following questions:
-Have you ever called the doctor?
-What did you complain about?
-What did the doctor do?
-What were the doctor’s instructions?
-Did you recover soon?
-So, is it good or bad to be ill?
-Are there any advantages of being ill?

        4. What should the doctor do when the patient comes?
You should make a chain, repeating the previous words

The doctor should…
     I Pupil                  The   doctor should examine the body
      II Pupil               the  doctor should examine the body and    the throat                                    
    III Pupil               the doctor should examine the body,            
                                   the throat and take the temperature                                                                    
   …....                        take the pulse
   ……                        take the blood pressure
   ……                        listen to lungs
   ……                        listen to the heart
   ……                        listen to the cough
   ……                        write out a prescription
   ……                        prescribe some medicine
V.Основна  частина уроку.

        1. Find out the opposites to the following words
To fall ill
To breathe in
To go for a walk
High blood pressure
Good eyesight
 To recover
                      To breathe out
To stay in bed
Low blood pressure
Bad eyesight
2. Listen to the text under the title “Ronald is ready ill!” to understand it well enough and to remember all the actions in order to be able to do exercises after the listening.
                                        Ronald Is Really Ill.
Last Thursday morning Ronald Bell took part in the football match. The game was really exciting and Ronald’s team won. The weather that day wasn’t fine at all. It was rather cold, there were dark clouds in the sky and it even started to rain several times.
When Roland came home he felt that something was wrong with him. He had a terrible headache, a sore throat and he had a strong pain in his legs. He felt so bad that he decided to go to bed without dinner. His mother understood that Ronald was ill and phoned Doctor Green. “Doctor, I think Ronald has fallen ill. Could you come?”
Green visited the Bells the next morning. She was a nice woman of about 35. She came into Ronald’s room and asked him how he felt. Then she took the boy’s pulse, listened to his heart and lungs: “You feel pretty bad, don’t you? she asked. “Terrible,” Ronald nodded. He said that sometimes when they had had a test at school he could pretend to be ill, just because he didn’t want to go to school. But it was not his “trick” illness this time. The doctor examined the boy’s throat and tongue. Ronald said that he had a stomachache and a pain in the right side.
Doctor Green took the boy’s temperature. It was rather high. His throat was red and it was difficult for him to swallow and to breathe. Ronald’s mother asked if it was flu or quinsy. But Doctor Green told her not to worry. She said it was neither flu nor quinsy. It was just a bad cold.
“Ronald is running a high temperature. He is sneezing and coughing now, but I’m sure, he will be much better in a few days. It’s not serious. I’m going to prescribe some medicine for his headache and his sore throat. Please, Mrs Bell, go and buy the medicine. And you Ronald should stay in bed for 3 days at least. Drink warm milk with butter, honey or mineral water. Then you will recover soon. Cheer up! I’ll send a specialist to have a look at your right side. Bye!” With these words she left the room.

3. True or false.
 1) It’s started to snow several times that day.
2) When Ronald came home he felt that something was wrong with him.
3) His mother understood that Ronald pretended to be ill.
4) The doctor, visited him, was a woman of 55.
5) It was not Ronald’s ‘trick’ illness that time.
6) Ronald had a pain in the right side.
7) Ronald had neither flu nor quinsy.
8) Ronald had a stomach ulcer.
9) Doctor prescribed the boy some medicine for his headache and the sore throat.
10) Ronald will stay in bed for 3 days.
   (False-1, 3, 4, 8)
(Rain, was ill, 35, a bad cold)
4. Put the points in a logical order according to the text, you have just listened to.
                 1. The doctor’s advice.
                      2. The mother’s call to the doctor.
                      3. The weather on the football match day.
                      4. The doctor’s visit.
                      5. Ronald’s health at the end of the day.
5. Let’s speak about different doctors.
      1. What doctor prescribes spectacles?
      2. What specialist operates on different organs?
      3. What doctor is filling the tooth for?
      4. How is a children’s doctor called?
      5. What specialist will help you with a broken leg (arm)?
      6. Whom does the patient visit if he feels sick and giddy?

6. Let’s listen to your home dialogues.
                      (Pupils’ dialogues)        
         An example:
-Good morning! How can I help?
-Good morning, doctor. I don’t feel well, and I decided to come to you.
-What are the main symptoms you have?
- I have a headache, watering eyes. I often sneeze and cough.
-I see. I’ll have to look at your throat and listen to your lungs. Come up to me, please.
-All right.
-Open your mouth. Your throat is red. Turn with your back, breathe in, breathe out, don’t breathe. You have got a bad cold. You shouldn’t go to school for a week or two and stay in bed. It is also necessary to drink hot tea with lemon and hot milk with honey.
-I haven’t already gone to school, staying at home. I’ll do everything you suggest.
- You have to buy some pills and take them 3 times a day.
-Let’s meet on Monday in a week. Recover soon.
-Thank you, doctor. Good bye.

7. Our lesson is coming to the logical end but I ask you to do one more task, joining the parts of the proverbs.
1) An apple a day…
2) Early to bed and early to rise…
3) Good health is…
4) Health is not valued…
5) Healthy mind…
6) He who has health has hope…

* till sickness comes.
* above wealth.
* keeps the doctor away.
* he who has hope has everything.
* keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
* in a healthy body.

VI. Підведення підсумків уроку.

1. Making a conclusion, we have to note that we touched a very necessary topic, our life is closely connected with.
Let’s return to the beginning of our lesson and recollect the first proverb of it. “Health is the best wealth”. I think you completely agree with these words now, we have done a lot to prove it.
We have achieved our aim today. Do you think so too?
                     (Results. Marks)
  Good bye.

Homework: Write down a composition “My last visit to the doctor”

                  Thank you for your attention

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